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Sunday 6 March 2016

Summer and grammar

In my part of the world it has been a long hot summer. El nino and global warming have combined to bring us the most consistently warm summer we have had in several years. The flies and mosquitoes have fed and bred in a riotous celebration of their favourite season. We have lit citronella tea light candles and dipped ourselves in potent chemicals yet still the flies sit on our hands as we eat our dinner. We might as well live in Australia!

When you give up working in an office building you give up free air conditioning. It may comfort you to know that at 95 per cent humidity and 28 degrees Celsius (it's all relative, people) even a self-confessed language freak like me finds it hard to concentrate on the finer points of English grammar.

Happily the mercury has snuck (thank you US English speakers for that most excellent word) down a point or two and my energy levels have risen correspondingly, so I am back into it again.

The next post is coming very soon, but until then consider John Mayer's words:
"Ladies, if you want to know the way to my heart...good spelling and good grammar, good punctuation, capitalize only where you are supposed to capitalize, its done."

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